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How to Find Content for your Blog – Quick Ways to Do it!

If you are a brand new blogger this is something that is going to help you a lot. You know sometimes most of the time when you are a new blogger you find yourself you know the stock and you don’t know where to get content from or how to create new content and then you pretty much can’t even come up with your own content.

You know I mean it happens to the best of us you know it happens to most of us actually, you know especially when you are new and you are somebody who’s trying to make money from a blog and you are not really somebody who is passionate about writing so much about.

You still want to create a blog, you still want to make money with the blog you know and I know there are a lot of people like that you know and I’m like that too I’m not very passionate about writing.

All right you know writing is not the first thing I think about when I wake up you know but it is something that I like to do, you know for work and in. And to get paid for it so why not you know to create a blog and you know right a little bit you know a couple of times a week and then you know make money like that right.

so I’m going to talk to you about you know one way that you can come up with content from other websites if you don’t if you can’t write your own today you know if one day you feel like I’m, you know I need to come up with that blog post but I don’t.

I came right now you know I’m having writers block and I can’t write right now how do I come up with a blog post. You know there are many ways for you to create a blog post you know you all you got to do is just get to work on the internet.

The Internet has so much information there’s no way that you can come up with a blog post you know without having to write your own content you know.

I wrote a very short post with main blogs right, one day I didn’t really know what’s right about so I was like maybe I want to share this on my blog so I decided to put together you know 13 blog posts I wrote a little bit about. You know the guy you might know who he is Matt Cutts he’s from he works in google he’s part of the search engine team in google and he works with.

You know web stuff like that you know and there were anyways so I gather for 13 blog posts you know I put together the turn 13 blog posts that I can kind of relate it. You know valuable information they have a lot of good information for like especially for new bloggers so I made the title valuable information for new bloggers 13 blog posts from Matt Cutts so that was the title right there.

And then I wrote a little bit about this guy and then just a little bit about the post then but what this post is about I even went out of my way and opened up Photoshop and created an image specifically for this post just because you know I feel like doing it.

I didn’t feel like riding too much this day so I just did a little bit of work to come up with a good post and this is a valuable post to you know there’s a lot of good information here so I did this and then I put together all of the posts right and there are a lot of questions that new bloggers might have and you can see is it a good practice to combine smoke.

I don’t want to read the whole thing anyway so you can see these are questions that new bloggers may have right so you know right away you know it took me just a couple of minutes to come across blogs and then get the idea to create a blog post you know and gather 13 blog posts and then put them together and mix and come up with a blog post for new bloggers.

Very easy stuff that you can do to come up with the blog post whenever you feel like you don’t want to type too much or what to you know published today I mean because it is important that you blog at least weekly. You don’t have to blog daily if you don’t want to but I really recommend you to do it daily and as much as you can every day if you can but as long as you do it weekly.

You should be good and as long as every post that you create is a lot of value and it’s very unique, it has a lot of value and this of quality and people love it then you know that’s good. You could blog weekly you know three, four, five times a week right so as you can see is this post is mainly blogs and then I wrote a little bit at the end a little bit not the beginning and you know some call to actions to make people engage and share stuff like that so and that’s pretty much it that’s all I wanted to talk you in this blog.

How I came up with content very fast and my tip would be to go. Blogs are very very hot on the internet people and whenever you feel like you can’t come up with new content just go and just start going through information and people that are related to yours.

If you are a blogger that is writing if your blog is about blogging then go ahead and find all the bloggers on Google and final you know there are so many people talking you know on blogs, there are so many blogs about blogging, so many cool blogs with tips and people talking about different topics and you can pretty much search the internet for anything that you want to what write your blog post about.

I mean if you can’t come up with any ideas for your blog post all you got to do is do research you know Google stuff go to Google and use blog posts I really recommend you to use blog posts because blogs and people like blogs so and you can put together a series of blogs for a blog post just like I did here and you can also actually go to very popular sites like what is it the Huffington post or something like that and then you can actually copy and paste a post posted on your blog.

And then linked back to the original post what I mean and this is another way to just probably something on your blog if you really need to come up with the content-free blog, if you want to blog on a daily basis you can mix it up you should definitely mix it up, you can’t be doing this on a daily basis this cannot be every blog post this is just when you can’t come up with your own content or when you don’t want to come up with your own content.

Alright so please take that in mind, please understand that very well what I’m teaching is not for you to do every single time you blog, where you don’t feel like typing I mean you don’t feel like typing too much you don’t feel like writing a long blog post.

All right you can go to another blog and pretty much to our popular blog right or website wait where they have news on your niche whatever your niche is, whatever your blog is about to go and find other blogs where it’s okay for people to publish the same article on other on your blog, another thing you could do actually now that I think about it is going to right or any other big article directory like this and pretty much you can use articles from this site’s post them on your blog.

And then you know linked back to the original post right, of course, you have to give credit to the original author and you have to link it back to the original post but it’s okay for you to publish an article on your blog right but again only do it on those days where you don’t feel like writing when you know you’re just your you can’t have anything and you can’t come up with your own content right so that is one of the tips that I wanted to give you too become a better blogger to come up with content in an easy way.

Let me show you really quickly through calm is actually a good source of info information and content for your blog and this is pretty much the way the article directories work you know and this is pretty much the way that you also get traffic from writing articles on this web sites on this article directories because other people do the same thing that I’m telling you right now.

The same thing that I’m telling you to come outcome to this a sign articles calm and graph AK post and then copy and paste it on your blog and then linked back to the original post and credit the author the same thing I’m telling you to do is the same thing that others are doing you know this is the exact same thing that a lot of other people are doing and this is the exact same way that you can get free traffic when you are when you become a Cain own author and his sights you know because then people are going to graph your article then get traffic to your article because they are going to credit you.

They are going to link back to your article because it’s yours you know and they have to give you the credit for it just like you are going to do when you grab somebody else’s you know article so this is a good way to you know fill up your blog with content if you want to do this alright so again I gotta repeat myself again don’t do this every single time for your blog post alright only do it on those days where you don’t feel like writing so and then they are so many blog post over here.

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